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Press Release

February 2016

G.E.M. and Fans Using Art to Encourage Youths to “Break Free” from Bullying

During her recent meet up with her Fans in Singapore, G.E.M. gave of her support to CABCY (Coalition Against Bullying for Children & Youth), an anti-bullying charity organisation. Together with about a hundred fans, they used art as a form of expression to encourage victims of bullying to break free from the emotional and mental traps of bullying.


With the advancement of technology, Cyber Bullying has grown to be a phenomenon. Henceforth, there is an urgency to educate our youth about the problems of bullying and why it is important to be socially responsible in cyberspace.  G.E.M. hoped that through this activity, it will increase the public’s awareness on bullying, understand that bullying will cause psychological and emotion stress on the victim, at times leading to suicide.

Esther Ng, the President / Founder of CABCY and an Art Psychotherapist by profession, led everyone to use colours and paint to express the feelings of being bullied on an empty face mask.  Everyone soon got carried away and engaged in a personal moment of expressing those feelings onto their own face mask.  As G.E.M. became more engaged in her painting, she creatively and boldly went one to paint her own hands with different colours and printed her handprints on the side of her own face mask.  Esther, who is an Art Psychotherapist by profession was moved to see her creative expression.  It was a priceless and sincere piece of artwork. The Fans also expressed their creativity. One had painted black tears on the mask, while another had drew a distorted face. Esther explained that this is an emotional outcry. After having poured out all the negative emotion, there will be rooms to be filled with more positive and healthier emotion for the individual.  The sight of 100 fans engaged in painting the same voice to advocate against bullying was a heart-warming experience for everyone.


Through the process of using the paints to express her memories, G.E.M. experienced the power of Art Therapy. She believed that art is able to calm a person down and to listen to his/her own inner voice better without being interrupted. She said that everyone needs a place to be able to explore and express.  She also added that we could motivate ourselves more, spend more time with friends who are positive and encouraging as it will enable one to break free and live life with a better self.  During this event, G.E.M. had her first experience in doing an advocacy video with her fans. In the video, everyone wore a mask painted with the expression of pain and hurts. They slowly removed the mask, and smiles spread over their faces. Under the lead of G.E.M., everyone threw the mask away as a symbol of throwing the pains of the past away courageously and facing the future with smile.


In her MV 'Heartbeat', G.E.M. played the role of a girl who was being bullied in school. Her song sent out a strong message of anti-bullying by living a courageous new life. Through this collaboration with CABCY, G.E.M. had again made a strong stand against bullying behaviour.


G.E.M. is grateful to be able to have the opportunity to be involved in a charitable event with her fans, and at the same time, able to help CABCY with their fund raising campaign. She is excited that the turn out had been overwhelming for this event. Apart from fans from Singapore, some travelled from Malaysia, Hong Kong and China to give of their support.  Although there was a big crowd, it was intimate and cosy. All the fans were cooperative and patient throughout the day as a way of support for the event.  Creativity came about naturally and with ease during the face mask painting.  G.E.M. hopes that everyone will continue to stand together and bring more positive energy for the society.


CABCY is a non-profit organisation that advocate against bullying among the children and youth. Since founded 10 years ago, CABCY had managed to create awareness and eventually an anti-Harassment Law against all forms of bullying, including cyber and school bullying was passed in 2015.


近日,鄧紫棋抵達新加坡,和近百位粉絲一起,為反霸凌聯盟慈善團體CABCY 站台,通過彩繪鼓勵曾受到霸凌的年輕人“衝破過去,勇敢活出自己。”


現在科技發達,網上欺凌尤其嚴重,教育青少年如何面對被霸凌,實在刻不容緩。G.E.M. 希望可以透過是次活動提高了大衆對於霸凌的認知,認識到各種霸凌行爲會令受害者在心理和精神上受到無法負荷的壓力而有機會導致情緒生病,嚴重的甚至輕生。


活動在CABCY創始人、藝術心理治療師Esther的帶領下進行,鄧紫棋和歌迷圍坐在一起,用油彩在空白面具上,塗抹出曾經的霸凌在自己記憶中留下的痕跡。鄧紫棋還用手沾滿不同顏色的油彩,在面具上印下自己的手掌。歌迷們也發揮出自己的想像,有的在面具上畫下黑色的眼淚,有的畫出臉孔碎裂的形狀。 Esther說,這是內心的傾訴,在傾吐了壞情緒之後,健康更可能進入每個人的心靈之中。






CABCY 反兒童青少年霸凌聯盟是一家非盈利機構,創辦十年來,致力於提高大眾對霸凌的認識,並推動了在2015年新加坡法律所通過的反騷擾法案。

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